- 3 Beach Shutters
- Tom’s Plaque
- No Shoes
- Whale Towel Rack
- Whale Towel Rack
- Hanging Tropical Fish
- Store Plaques
- Store Plaques
- Store Plaques
- Store Plaques
- Store Plaques
- Beach Window with Shelf
- Beach Window with Shelf
- Jerry & Kay’s Beach House
- Office Sign
- Beach Flamingo Floor cloth – $ 75.00
- Red Hair Mermaid
- Dolphin
- House Sign
- Angel Fish
- Small Green Fish
- Large Fish 16
- Debbie’s Wine door (Custom Order)
- Blonde Blue Scaled mermaid
- Small Mermaid (Approx. 3ft.)
- Bronze Mermaid
- Fish 6
- Fish 5
- Fish 4
- Fish 3
- Fish 3 Fish 7 (Donated Door Prize Coastal Mermaid)
- Fish 2
- Large Mermaid (Approx. 5ft. )
- Palm/Leaf Hanging Canvas (Approx. Size 5′ x 5′)